Georgia Social Security Disability Lawyer

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSD or SSDI) is administered by the Social Security Administration to provide income supplements to individuals who are disabled. Unlike Supplemental Security Income (SSI), SSD is not dependent upon the income level of the individual receiving it, therefore, any person determined to be disabled as defined by the Social Security Act can receive SSD. The amount that a recipient is eligible to receive is based upon an average of past earnings and paid out monthly.
In order to be eligible for SSD you must have a physical or mental condition that prevents you from engaging in any “substantial gainful activity” and the condition is expected to last at least 12 months or result in death. There are other more complicated factors to determine your eligibility concerning how long and how much you have worked. The attorneys at The Vaughn Law Firm can assist you in determining your eligibility, then work with your treating physician to complete the necessary forms and paperwork to file your application.
You may be asking yourself if you really need an attorney to assist you with this process, the answer depends on many factors; however, according to an August, 2010 report completed by the Office of Inspector General (“OIG”) for the Social Security Administration many people submitting an initial disability application for SSDI might benefit from using a third-party disability representative when they first apply for benefits. OIG indicated that having a disability representative earlier in the process significantly improves the chances of those with four major types of disabilities getting approved for SSDI.
Our attorneys have the knowledge, experience and are dedication to assist you in your social security application process. Our firm has a reputation for compassion and experience in assisting with disability benefits.
To discuss your needs with us in, please contact us today by calling 1-877-615-9495.